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                                                       Studio Journal

    Entries by Jan Neal (335)


    Developing a Legend for Digital Mixed Media


    Because I produce art work in so many different ways, I developed an explanatory caption to provide information about the tools used to produce a particular work of art.  I first developed the image above at the top of the post.  It is beautiful to me, but is too ornate and too large to accomplish the goal of revealing information.  As an alternative I designed the middle image, but it, too, was too large.  I am currently using the bottom image since it does not distract from the image it explains.  I like the first image very much and hope I can find a suitable use for it.  Actually I think that it will appear as a banner on this site (stay tuned).  

    Lately I have been switching between iPad art applications to capture the best feature of each.  It is becoming more important to explain that three different art apps and photoshop were used in the same way I frequently need to explain that I sketched an image on paper and perfected it in Photoshop.  Digital mixed media can involve many stages and tools that are fun to switch between.  On my iPad I have ArtStudio, Brushes, CPencils, ArtRage, SketchBook, Adobe Ideas, Quill, Zen Brush, iDraw, ASKetch, Sketch Club (my latest favorite), neu.Draw, Inspire Pro, Paint Studio, Procreate, Sketchbook...and there are more.  This is why it is impossible to be without inspiration in the world of developing digital design.  

    The need for design organization is further required due to a marvelous phenomenon - the generosity of the online design world and the need to give credit to people when they allow the use of their textures, styles and fonts.

    The typeface used in the designs above, Alt Lautus, was created by Andreas Leonidou at Behance, a great motivational design portfolio site.  Check out Andreas' work there, and Alt Lautus can be downloaded at






    Red Top Clove


    Today's bouquet in the field was red top clover. The red is an exquisite shade that almost sparkles.  The clover made a beautiful addition to dinner and matched the red chairs in my dining room.  


    Designing Attraction

    Smashing Magazine published a thought provoking article entitled "Relationship Engineering:  Designing Attraction" by Thomas Giannattasio, Art Director at nclud.  Read it and think.  


    SpecialK Font


    A fresh and lovely, though unfinished font, SpecialK, was designed by ficod ( You’d better not need a comma.


    Taking a Line for a Spin



    The Last Violet








    Enchanted by Wildflowers


    Taming Wildflowers

    You have to look closely in the field where we walk with our dog to find these exquisite offerings of Spring.  These small beauties are easily walked over and on, but when isolated from the lush green grass, their colors glow and their shapes invite careful inspection.  Tiny works of art which combine to compliment each other, the wildflowers in the field are gifts of nature I usually overlook.  When not overlooked a pleasant intimacy with nature is experienced.


    Sketch Club Work in Progress

    I am sketching this on my iPad with Sketch Club.  I love this app because sketching is so smooth and, oddly, sensual.



    Aphrodite is said to have worn hyacinth woven through her hair. The first smell of spring, hyacinth is the fragrance of renewed hope for me.