Very Mixed Media

This is an experiment. An acrylic portrait I just began was scanned and digital painting added. So it's a mixed acrylic and digital painting. I am playing with different concepts to determine what works best. For this project I plan to do one digital portrait from scratch since I am a bit weary with the general attitude that painting is not possible with Photoshop (use Photoshop, and, in art circles, you are considered a photographer, not a painter when, in fact, you may be both). I am struggling with texture. Though I have Corel Painter with many texture options, I have this stubborn attitude that texture can be created in Photoshop. I am working on it and will keep you posted.
Painting with a brush and a mouse produces different sensations. I love both and can honestly say that I enjoy painting with a mouse as much, in a different way, as using a brush. Most people who paint digitally do so with a pad, but I don't. I like the directness of actually maneuvering the mouse like a paintbrush. The primary advantage to painting in Photoshop is the fact that you have all color options in the rainbow readily available.
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