Pentecost Petals
Sunday, May 11, 2008 at 04:41PM
The wind roared today; one would think it the beginning of March with tree tops bobbing and swaying. This powerful force blew about the red rose petals on my front porch - remnants of my Pentecost Vigil - making for a most natural liturgical day of Pentecost.
My most modern novena to the Holy Spirit was simply "Come Holy Spirit and please stay for awhile to work your magic." I'm no fundamentalist. I know that the wind is not the answer to my personal prayer. But it looks pretty magical out on my front porch, and I'll take it as a blessing.
Blessings to you on Pentecost. May the holy winds blow into our hearts to reveal truth to set us free, light to guide our ways and love to restore our souls.
Jan Neal | 2 Comments |
in Liturgy
Reader Comments (2)
That's just so sweet of you to say. Blessings to you, too.